četrtek, 19. april 2012



1./ To my model I will add materials.
2./ First I will add some windows and also doors to my model. With proboolean.

I also solved problem about extruding my round walls. I figured out I didn't properly joined lines in autocad. I carefully did it again and I had no problems extruding or converting into editing poly this time.


Everything disappeared! Backup doesn't save anything, 'Z' does work for 0˙5 second and disappears again. Tried redraw all view, nothing.
This is all it shows:
First it started to show object like this:

Now it is just like this..  :/

I do not like Max now..
I will start from beginning, so this can take some time :S
Thanks for understanding.



 I am so proud of myself now. I came up with a solution :)
I opened new file in max, import > merge ... and it works, for now.

the object is shown like this, but when rendered it is normal.

Now materials:
Thank you Peter, for borrowing me an awesome, stronger, better laptop :)
But still, my file is ''broken'' and a can see object like this:


Creating 3D objects in 3Ds Max
*using version 2012

1./  First I have to import my floor plan showed in previous exercise. Finally some 3D action :)
Then I will create walls etc. from floor plan. Simple. Or is it?

2./ Importing
>Opened max
*IMPORTANT! Set the same units as you have in AutoCAD (I have Meters)
> Clicked Max icon
> Import
> New window opens - in Derive selected 'Entity, blocks as Nods Hierarchy
> Import

*Set view to Orthogonal

> Extrude or Put blocks on it

And now begins the painful and tiring truth. Found out that I have to many lines and they are stupidly putted together and some are even not in contact. So I have to:

'' Take one step back''

1./ I have to prepare my floor plan for 3Ds max to be turned into a 3D model. So I will be able to extrude my round walls with no problem.
I have designed my house a little bit extraordinary and a bit unrealistic (glass walls etc..). Just having fun.

2./ Rearrange in AutoCAD once again:

I marked them so you can see I Joined lines together. Not group, JOIN. I also deleted furniture, doors and people. I do not need them now.

Now to import again. (*Without all of these element it is easier for my computer to handle)
See how my beautiful round walls aren't round anymore?

I will try Importing again with increasing smoothness.
It worked. Not perfectly, but better.
I have no idea what I am doing.

Increased smoothness on 90 and curve steps on 100.

WHY?! When I try to convert round circle into editable poly it disappear! Frustrating (T.T)

Tried every possible thing to extrude it properly, but couldn't. So this is how it looked:

Tried setting different views (Consistent colors)

They are hollow!

Every thing else was extruded using Face extrude. (Convert to editable poly, select face and Face extrude)

< hollow walls

Added standard material.

3./ Tutorial about extruding faces.

4./ Everytime gets hrader and harder to get to know 3Ds max. It has so many problems I just do not know how to solve. About those hollow walls I didn't find anything on the internet... With other objects I didn't have problem extruding.

torek, 10. april 2012


Knowing 3Ds max

1./ I have to get to know max and just have fun. Any 3D programme is not easy to handle and takes a lot of time to learn.

2./ I attended a contest for Pop-up shop, by Sproject. I know I wont win or be in top three, but I wanted to cooporate in contest for the first time just to see how it feels and have some fun. I used 3Ds max for modeling, but didn't use it in my end folder.

Instead of using programme, I made model 'by hand'

Idea was simple and fun :)
Will see what they think.

3./ This tutorial really helped me about editing poly *LINK*.

4./ I didn't finished 3D, because I still do not know how to professionally use max and I've already lost a lot of time. I've spent 2 days on 3D max for this.
Had problems with this cone to be shaped like this. Didn't find any tutorial and had to figure it out myself.
I used Edit Poly and Freeform. Not what I wanted but okay.
Adding materials and colors was also a huge problem. Seen official tutorial for adding materials, but i just would show in views. After many attempts I managed to do something.