četrtek, 19. april 2012



1./ To my model I will add materials.
2./ First I will add some windows and also doors to my model. With proboolean.

I also solved problem about extruding my round walls. I figured out I didn't properly joined lines in autocad. I carefully did it again and I had no problems extruding or converting into editing poly this time.


Everything disappeared! Backup doesn't save anything, 'Z' does work for 0˙5 second and disappears again. Tried redraw all view, nothing.
This is all it shows:
First it started to show object like this:

Now it is just like this..  :/

I do not like Max now..
I will start from beginning, so this can take some time :S
Thanks for understanding.



 I am so proud of myself now. I came up with a solution :)
I opened new file in max, import > merge ... and it works, for now.

the object is shown like this, but when rendered it is normal.

Now materials:
Thank you Peter, for borrowing me an awesome, stronger, better laptop :)
But still, my file is ''broken'' and a can see object like this:

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